Invite some friends to your home, preferably including one with photography skills, for a crochet session with coffee and cake. The perfect ingredients needed to create a natural environment for a crochet website photoshoot. This is exactly how we were able to achieve the images for this site.

Everyone arrived fashionably late but once we were all settled, Pauline, our photographer, positioned us around the table. We all had our projects with us – EJ on the left working on a pink baby blanket for her friend, made in the V stitch which she loves to do; myself in the middle starting a new magic ring; and Gloria, who is new to crochet, happily practising her chain and double crochet stitches. The mandalas in the middle of the table are a current project I am working on and we all loved the shades and wanted to feature them in the shoot. 

We had our coffees and teas. Now it was time to take some pictures. Pauline told us to carry on and crochet as normal and when she was ready she would shout “stop” and we would freeze in those positions. It was so funny how all of us decided we would also hold our breath. Once we had a few photos, Pauline sent them directly to the web designers, Barb and Chris, to look over, who luckily for me are my sister and brother-in-law. Whilst that was happening, we carried on crocheting and chatting. We needed to change some of the items on the table, so onto round two. However, I realised I had drunk most of my coffee, as had EJ. I was instructed to top up our cups – luckily we both drink decaf.

After the shoot, we all agreed it must be hard to be a model and rewarded ourselves with a big slab of cake!