Hello! I’m Angela, the designer behind the Kawaii Designs brand. I’m an English expat currently living in Hong Kong, which is proving to be an exciting adventure in my crochet journey.

My crochet passion began in my mid-30s when I owned a wool shop in the UK. I am self-taught and once I got the hang of it, it was like a whole new world opened up to me. I went on to run my own online wool shop for 12 years, working from home while raising a family. As the business grew, so did my passion for designing. The hook became my paintbrush and once I was armed with yarn, I felt inspiration to create. I became obsessed with Amigurumi but I found working on such a small hook quite painful, so I simply sized up my designs.

With my two children now grown up, I really felt the urge for a big life change. So I moved to Hong Kong, a city I’ve had the chance to visit and fall in love with over the years. Not long after arriving here in 2019, I joined a crochet charity group, where I met a group of lovely ladies who have warmly welcomed me into this vibrant city and made me feel at home.

For me, that is what crocheting is about. I love the crafting side of it. But I also love how it brings people together from all walks of life and different parts of the world. It’s an opportunity to hang out with friends, meet new people, and have fun learning or trying something new. That’s what I hope Kawaii Designs will be to you too.

Please have a look around. Discover patterns for your next project. Enjoy stories of my crochet adventures and works-in-progress. Or perhaps I’ll meet you at one of my workshops. Happy crocheting!